Wednesday 29 December 2010


This morning, 
after a night under a clear starry sky,
 I found an image of that same sky
 had landed in the field next door

 the selfsame configuration

At the cosmic filling station always ask for a "full Tank"

Monday 27 December 2010


There are no words needed for this post
It is a found log with a found rock
Without vision the people perish

Monday 20 December 2010


Starting with a new form on the wheel
 involves playing with the material
to allow the clay to tell me the various directions
in which it is able to go
in which I am able to go

 don't have expectations
discovering new ways


Tuesday 14 December 2010


A journey along the coast
from Adelaide to Victoria
stopover in Robe
with beautiful imagery
of nature and human endeavour
no more words needed

Follow that way which experience confirms to be your own

Monday 1 November 2010


The sand work I entered into the
Glenlyon Annual Sculpture Show
'Illegal Immigrants'
Leather and Sand

'It's never too late to have a happy childhood'

Monday 27 September 2010


on a recent spring journey
I came across this oak
in a park near Smeaton
it had the most remarkable reach
which seemed to go on and on......

"The best is yet to come"

Friday 24 September 2010


On a recent drive through the local landscape
I was rewarded with an image of a FarmerArtist
Drawing large chocolate brown abstract shapes
into a huge green canvass.

And, as a result of his recent tractor drawing activity,
the brilliant van Gogh yellow
of his efforts now also manifested

in huge water colours under the warming spring sun

"everywhere I go I find an artist has been there before me"

Thursday 16 September 2010


This magic board walk is at st Georges Lake Creswick
I sat there and contemplated
the beauty of this special moment
which was so good for some
and so devastating for others

"Water The Seeds Of Joy First"

Monday 30 August 2010



the blowhole at Hepburn has been created
by Chinese miners.
By dynamiting a hole in the rock bridge/wall
and thus creating a diversion in the Old Sailors Creek.
Not quite sure why, but related to
gold mining techniques.

We are left with the blowhole
Always worth a visit, however, these days,
with great amounts of water everywhere

it is an intense place for a energising visit.

The power of the water,
gushing with great energy,

from the rock hole, is palpable,
and transferred to the viewer

Visit the blow hole for an energiser


Tuesday 24 August 2010


Lake Wendouree in Ballarat Victoria,
which I titled: 'LakeWhenToBe'
for a project I presented to a primary school,
an empty bowl filled with weeds
for a number of years,
has with the recent rains re-filled
and been restored to its beautiful self

when I visited it recently
the joy of this replenishment
was for the many visitors,
walking the almost 6ks around its perimeter,
visible in their smiles, attitude and energy

"we are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders"

Tuesday 10 August 2010


I have been absent from my blog for some time
because I have spend my time writing
my memories into text.
Memories from a period as
'artist in residence'

and a 'writer in residence'
both in Korea

It is becoming a book

I take time out
from this sitting and writing activity
by walking in the forest
and daily exploring the beauty which surrounds me.

I am accompanied by my shadow
a comfortable companion

"We Are Perishing For Want Of Wonder,
Not For Want Of Wonders"

Sunday 6 June 2010


Found: an exquisite Forest Brooch

I found this brooch on a recent walk
there it was, like a visual surprise,
altogether still, lying in the forest,
quietly emanating loveliness.

An elegant set of rain-drop pearls,
sown into a base of exceptional quality silk

My daily forest walk offers remarkable
surprises of the positive kind, and
Here is one of them.

"Don't audit life, show up and make the most of it"

Wednesday 2 June 2010


Forest Eyes

The forest is impassive. The forest is indifferent.

It does not care, yet is beautiful nevertheless.

The forest is silent. Yet I found words everywhere,

in and around the trees, all across the sky, in reflections of puddles.

Everywhere I looked and listened.

I gathered a few handfuls of these words

I took them home and placed them on the table.

I arranged and re-arranged them

and from the silence of the forest magic, a story.

everywhere forest eyes are silently watching me

'You Already Have All You Need'

Sunday 16 May 2010


Wednesday 26th May, 12.15pm

During this floor talk,

Bridget Bodenham, Tina Lee and Petrus Spronk,
will talk about their ceramic work
presently exhibited at the Ballarat Fine Art gallery.

This is a chance for you to see the work
and hear the stories about it.

There will be a ten minute presentation by each artist.
After this there will be time for the audience to ask questions.
The moderator is Richard Perry from Hepburn.

Come and join us

'When a good idea gets out, things begin to happen'

Friday 30 April 2010


Lutea's imaginary cloudscapes

Dear Blogger Friends

Below please find an invite
to the opening of an exhibition
of my new ceramic work
and that of two of local ceramicists
Tina Lee
Bridget Bodenham
at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery

This exhibition runs from 30th April- 31st May

In addition there will be a floortalk
to which you are also invited, on
wednesday the 26th May at 12.15

Hoping to see you at both events


would you please inform anyone who maybe interested

Friday 26 March 2010


Tea plantation

Rice Harvest

Temple visit

Images from my time in Korea
both as artist in residence (1999)
and writer in residence (2004)

As you can read from the images
a rich and enriching time
which has inspired me for years
and will continue to do so

"Travel, getting lost and finding your way again"

Wednesday 24 March 2010


Alhambra Spain

Oxford England

Santorini Greece

Bornholm Denmark

N.W. Greece

Everywhere I went I came across
beautiful doorways
Each journey started and finished
with a doorway
I was led from one space into another
through a doorway

Everywhere I went,
a poet had been there before me

Friday 5 March 2010


I was hitch-hiking in England when someone
gave me a ride to StoneHenge
For the ultimate dry stone experience
what more is there to say but
enjoy the images
from a time before it was fenced

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

Monday 1 March 2010


Stone offerings on a temple walk
composition of ceramic pots and dry stone wall
dry stone tribute

following the interest on my last dry stone posting,
I will follow this up with some more dry stone.

my dry stone interest having been awakened in Ireland,
I couldn't help noticing the intricacies
of Korean dry stone work.
Above some of the many examples.

"For man is by nature an artist"

Friday 26 February 2010


Many years ago, when I hitch-hiked around the world,
I started to photograph beautifully made objects.

I found these dry stone walls above
while travelling around Ireland,
specifically around the West Coast,
in an area called the Burren,
a raw and beautiful environment.

Someone told me that people that made the walls
could be recognised by the pattern.

(someone also told me, when I was lost,
and asked for directions, to follow the smoke,
I did and came to a cottage with a smoky peat fire)

"Go outside everyday, miracles are waiting everywhere"

Tuesday 23 February 2010


This is my live in neighbour
he lives in a nest in the vine
where he sleeps most of the day
when I discovered the nest
and tried to photograph him in it
he came out, indignant, and wanted
his picture taken properly.

at night he awakes and plays
constant drum beats on the roof

He awoke me to do some more blog postings
I have been absent because I was busy
scanning 8000 images from slides into my computer

well, now I am back, and in time,
show you some of them

"scanning my past into the present"

Monday 22 February 2010


Tea for Two TeaPot

InsideOut TeaPot (handy for travelling)

DoubleBarrel TeaPot

During the seventies I was working
in a design center in Kilkenny, Ireland.
Using that which was available
which were plaster moulds
I made a series of fun tea pots
which everyone enjoyed but the boss
"this is a serious project"
"Sorry I was only trying to be Irish"

a comment left on my last posting
reminded me of this project

if the same people look at this
please make yourself known.......

Tuesday 12 January 2010


I had no idea that something so small
(the birth of three golden chicks)
could be so big
(I am totally smitten)

I watch them learning day by day
and am surprised by their rapid growth.

I watch them understanding the language of
"here is food" which elicits a certain call
"here is danger" which elicits another

when at the age of four days the chickens came out
and a crow flew over

the young chicken ran for cover under a plank

"Is not the core of nature, in the heart of man?"