Wednesday 14 August 2013


a diagonal line divides an otherwise empty space
a line of writing about the forest
a line of poetry 
like a sentence which sums up the exhibition

read it for yourself
from the 15th august to the 8th of september
at the v.a.c. gallery on 121 view street bendigo

plus, there will be a floortalk on the 20th
from 5.30 - 7.00pm

you could be inspired
you are definitely invited

'The work will teach you how to do it'

Friday 9 August 2013


this is an invitation to my exhibition 
in Bendigo
you are welcome to attend 
both the opening event 
or the floor talk
or anytime between 
the opening and closing date

if you can make it i hope you will enjoy my offering
of new and exciting work

make it a day
'The function of the artist is to provide what life does not'