Thursday 26 November 2009


I came across this circle just outside
the Aboriginal Brambuk Cultural Centre in the Grampians
(of which more in the next posting)
With its opening in the left hand side, it reminded me
of the spirit line I came across when I studied pottery
with the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico.

There I was told that the opening in the spirit-line,
painted on the lip of their bowls
was there to allow the spirit of the potter to get out
and the spirit of the bowl to get in.
This, I was told, was important, because if your spirit gets caught up in anything
you cannot move/grow anymore
Important advice for the rest of my life......

'Always choose Life'

Monday 23 November 2009


Found Art Compositions

I love these accidental compositions
of the strong 3 dimensional rolled hay bales
placed in large 2 dimensional fields

There is an harmonious order which is the result
of the volume of the crop
in relation to the skill of the harvester

The outcome always holds a certain mystery for me
and hence an annual fascination

'Industry without art is brutality'

Monday 16 November 2009


As an artist I make one painting per year.

I do not use conventional paints for this work.

I use earth colours.

The painting is not exhibited, although anyone can come and look at it,

nor is the painting for sale.

This painting is for eating. Some of the colours taste delicious.....

Early summer.........

All of a sudden the garden is filled with colour.

It seems as if the colours have been waiting underground for the energising rain,

followed by the warming sun.

Not unlike a water-colour painting where pigments wait for water

to manifest in all their glory on the surface of the paper.

The various pigments in the garden come

from the seeds and seedlings which I have sown and planted at the end of winter.

I am working on this huge painting for pleasures of

the aesthetic, working and relaxation kind.

Occasionally I eat a bit from one of the corners of my painting.

Some of the colours taste delicious.

The orange of a freshly pulled carrot.

The red of a ripe tomato dropped into my hand.

The purple of a richly filled aubergine.

The bright yellow of a capsicum.

The various viridians of lettuces, spinach and other leafy greens.

all enhanced by the blue of the sky, as reflected in the bird bath.

Magic and loveliness abounds.

"The poet and the gardener, both nourish the world"

Friday 13 November 2009

a Gang-Gang gang

The other day
when enjoying a quiet cup of tea on my veranda
I was alerted to a new sound in my space
and there, not far away, I spotted a Gang Gang.
The first such bird to ever visit my garden
(or the first one I have ever seen there)

this discovery made my day
coloured it in the tone of happiness

"for man is by nature an artist"

Monday 2 November 2009


If I were a woman
(which I am not)
If I were considering marriage
(which I am not)
I would definitely use this as a wedding dress

"honour the playfulness of spirit that lets everyone win"