Friday 28 November 2008

Fallen Stars

This morning I found the stars
which had fallen from the sky overnight
in the field next door

Reality is the invention of unimaginative people

Trees reassembled

Two trees have been chopped down, and left, on the roadside
I reassembled them

It is never too late to have a happy childhood

Public Sculpture

Recently I installed a public sculpture
at the entrance to the Hepburn Springs bathhouse. It consisted of a bronze chair
and six story boulders

In this work I have attempted to acknowledge the history of the park
And those who are responsible for its creation
And continued maintenance

Honour the playfulness of spirit that lets everyone win

Saturday 22 November 2008

painted veranda

While sitting on my veranda
I dreamt of painting it

"When you have a good idea, act upon it"

‘Why you haven’t seen me in the paper of late’

Dear Friend and Reader

The new editor of the Advocate, Donna Kelly, has seen it in her wisdom to suddenly, and without warning, pull my fortnightly column from the paper. No reason given but that the paper is going into a new direction.

This made me sad, because I have loved this part of my life since it both inspired and motivated me and provided a strong sense of sharing with my community.

I must say I am not surprised, because I felt I was being slowly elbowed out. I think that in relation to her own new column, ‘My Say’, my writing was far too positive.

Soon after she took office, I was informed that I could now only write columns of 250 words instead of the usual 500. At the same time my reduced writing was moved to, and hidden in, the back section of the paper.

I emailed my reply with the request for one more column. I wanted very much to say goodbye and thank my readers. I would have liked to make the ending more special/official. After all it seemed strange to me that, after more then ten years of my column contributions I was denied this request. I found this more upsetting then having my column pulled. And wondered why.

I found this action totally depressing, disappointing and very unprofessional.

So I am writing to let you know why I, from now on, will not be writing for the paper anymore.

I would like to thank you for your reading, for your support and for your remarks over the last ten years, all of which I have enjoyed.

Would you please forward this to the addresses on your locals data base, so that I can thank, and explain to, as many people as possible.

And, if you think I have been treated somewhat shoddily, please let Donna know that this is not the way to deal with long time committed contributors to the community spirit. Her contact is:

Advocate Newspaper:

I appreciate your attention
and thank you in advance

Hoping this finds you happy
I send this with a SpringGardenSmile


Monday 17 November 2008

Convent Gallery public artwork

'Holy Cross Journal'
A work in red granite designed for the garden of the Convent Gallery, Daylesford, Victoria, Australia.
It was designed as a memorial to the nuns who used to run the actual convent.
Date 2003

Public Artwork for Melbourne

'Architectural Fragment'

My first public art commission
for the city of Melbourne

Swanston Street, Melbourne, Australia.
Installed 1992