Wednesday 1 August 2012

an amazing performance

dear friends
on friday the 10th of august
I shall be appearing on t.v. to relate  the continuation of the story
of my dance with cancer.
this will be on abc news channel 24 at 6.45 pm (abc open)
repeat on the same day at 10.45 pm

in addition I would like to invite you
to my performance of
'The dance of life'
a story about my adventure with cancer
in all its amazing details.
this performance will be illustrated with actual footage of the treatment
and adorned with music by helen davey

 This performance is part of the Daylesford 'words in winter' program
I have secured a wonderful venue
the chapel at the Convent gallery, hill street, Daylesford
times: 10th of august at 8 - 9.30pm
11th of august at 3 - 4.30pm
tickets at the door
$15.00 concession $10.00
please also let your friends know
hoping to see you there