Friday 26 March 2010


Tea plantation

Rice Harvest

Temple visit

Images from my time in Korea
both as artist in residence (1999)
and writer in residence (2004)

As you can read from the images
a rich and enriching time
which has inspired me for years
and will continue to do so

"Travel, getting lost and finding your way again"

Wednesday 24 March 2010


Alhambra Spain

Oxford England

Santorini Greece

Bornholm Denmark

N.W. Greece

Everywhere I went I came across
beautiful doorways
Each journey started and finished
with a doorway
I was led from one space into another
through a doorway

Everywhere I went,
a poet had been there before me

Friday 5 March 2010


I was hitch-hiking in England when someone
gave me a ride to StoneHenge
For the ultimate dry stone experience
what more is there to say but
enjoy the images
from a time before it was fenced

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

Monday 1 March 2010


Stone offerings on a temple walk
composition of ceramic pots and dry stone wall
dry stone tribute

following the interest on my last dry stone posting,
I will follow this up with some more dry stone.

my dry stone interest having been awakened in Ireland,
I couldn't help noticing the intricacies
of Korean dry stone work.
Above some of the many examples.

"For man is by nature an artist"