Wednesday 29 December 2010


This morning, 
after a night under a clear starry sky,
 I found an image of that same sky
 had landed in the field next door

 the selfsame configuration

At the cosmic filling station always ask for a "full Tank"

Monday 27 December 2010


There are no words needed for this post
It is a found log with a found rock
Without vision the people perish

Monday 20 December 2010


Starting with a new form on the wheel
 involves playing with the material
to allow the clay to tell me the various directions
in which it is able to go
in which I am able to go

 don't have expectations
discovering new ways


Tuesday 14 December 2010


A journey along the coast
from Adelaide to Victoria
stopover in Robe
with beautiful imagery
of nature and human endeavour
no more words needed

Follow that way which experience confirms to be your own